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ID: BOO3 Category: DATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM Date : Monday 18th May 2020 3:00:00 am Type : E-book/ PDF / Article

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Database design is one of the most sought-after skills these days. Databases are a crucial component of almost every mobile and web applications. Whether you are a computer science student, software engineer, web developer, data scientist, database administrator, data analyst, or even an online entrepreneur, you are expected to have a solid foundation in database design; otherwise, you might build an application and business on top of an inefficient database design that will cost you not only poor application performance but also more expenses.

In this book, you will learn about the fundamental concepts of databases, functions of DBMS, database design, data modeling, relational database, entity-relationship diagram, and extended entity-relationship model. You will also be exposed to database design issues and database normalization techniques to increase the efficiency of databases.

Link for more information : https://masomobora.com/

